30 Oct

Head to Mallorca in January 2012

Don’t let 6 January get you down and celebrate it on Mallorca in January 2012!

Being the twelfth day of Christmas and traditionally the day we take the Christmas decorations down, the day the kids usually go back to school, the adults back to work, we start the post-Christmas diet and realise just how much money they have spent during the festive season, the sixth of January has to be one of the most depressing days of the year, in the UK at least.

However, in many parts of Europe January 6, or Epiphany, is celebrated with a similar vigour as us Britons celebrate Christmas Day, making it one of the most anticipated, celebrated and joyous days of the year.

This is the case on the island of Mallorca, where each year, the day of Epiphany is celebrated across the island with colourful, flamboyant and spectacular Christian parades of the Three Kings. Mallorca in January 2012 will certainly lift your spirits.

The biggest and grandest Epiphany Parade is put on in Palma, where the Three Kings begin their journey on the Sagrera Promenade in the old port of La Llonja.

The Tree Kings and a following procession then walk down Palma’s streets, throwing sweets as they pass the crowds lining the paths and avenues. The procession consists of musicians, dancers, ‘royal pages’, a Santa’s sleigh where children deliver their Christmas wish lists, and a train providing gifts for the children – As you can gather Christmas is still very much alive on January 6 on the island of Mallorca.

So if the depressingly cold and miserable weather, the thought of having yet another turkey sandwich for your lunch and the general post-Christmas gloom that hangs over Britain in early January isn’t enough to make you book yourself on a plane to sunnier climes early next year, the prospect of celebrating this highly important date on the Christian calendar in such a traditional, spectacular and joyous manner, should be enough to persuade you to make Mallorca a top contender for a how to avoid the post-Christmas-blues-early-year escape!