24 May, 2012

Statement by Greek minister of culture and tourism, Tatiana Karapanagioti

In light of the Eurozone developments, recently appointed Greek minister of culture and tourism, Tatiana Karapanagioti, issued the statement following a briefing to Prime Minister Panayiotis Pikrammenos, head of the interim caretaker government. “Greece is here as it always has bee, and as it always will be, offering tourists a unique travel experience. Our land

1 March, 2012

Peloponnese walking tours

With paths meandering alongside a coastal periphery of rocky cliffs, dense woodland and meadows luxuriant with colour and life, with 1000-year old mule trails running next to gorges tumbling down into mighty rivers fringed by wild flowers and exotic plant life, and with tracks climbing magnificent mountain ranges sporting views unsurpassable almost anywhere in the

22 December, 2011

1821 Memorial Parade Crete

Greece’s fiscal crisis may be showing little signs of becoming resolved but that doesn’t seem to stop the nation’s insatiable thirst to celebrate the country’s tremendously inspirational history. The island of Crete, besides having a 1000 kilometre-long coastline, sporadically covered in coves, peninsulas and bays, boasting soft, yellow sand, certainly is no exception when it

12 December, 2011

Greek eco-sailing with Odyssey Sailing

Eco-sailing and diving amid the Greek islands. With global warming reaching unprecedented levels adopting greener lifestyles has never been so imperative. Many travellers, who travel to their destinations by plane, worry about their ‘carbon footprint’ and the damage air travel has on the environment. There are, however, several ways that you can offset carbon emissions.