How to make the perfect Sangria
If you’re looking for the best Sangria recipe you’ve come to the right place. We’ve searched high and low (and tried a few of our own recipes hiiiic!) and are confident we have the winning formulas for variations of the drink.
Traditional Spanish sangria tends to contain all manner of ingredients, in fact ‘whatever fruits happen to be laying round the kitchen’. But we’re looking for perfection right, so making sure the ingredients are of the highest quality is the first thing to do.
Other important considerations:
- Sangria must always be served ice-cold
- Make sure you stir it properly
- Ensure you get the balance of flavours just right
We’ve discovered three slight variations on the recipe and would love to hear how you get on with them:
Fruity Sangria (makes 16 glasses)
8 cups (64 fl. oz) Rioja
8 cups (64 fl. oz) apple juice
1 small grapefruit, cut into eights
1 medium orange, sliced thin crosswise
1 medium lemon, sliced thin crosswise
1 small pear, diced
1 medium apple, diced
Combine the wine, apple juice, and grapefruit pieces in a large pitcher. Mix well, cover and refrigerate overnight. The following day, add the orange and lemon slices to the wine. Refrigerate for a further 3 hours.
Add the pear and apple to the mixture, then allow to stand for a further 1 hour to absorb the flavor fully. Mix well and serve over ice.
Spicy Sangria (makes 8 glasses)
3 3/4 cups ( 30 fl. oz) dry white wine
3 tablespoons brandy
2 small red chillies, seeded and quartered
2 medium tart green apples, diced
2 large yellow plums, peeled, pitted and sliced
2 medium peaches, peeled, pitted and cut into chunks
1 cup (8 fl. oz) club soda
Not for the faint hearted, this sangria touches parts other drinks simply can’t! If you love spice then you’ll love this. Combine all the ingredients except for the club soda in a large serving pitcher, mixing well. Refrigerate overnight.
Immediately before serving, mix in the club soda for added fizz. Serve over ice.
The Original Sangria (makes 4 glasses)
3 1/4 cups (26 fl. oz) Rioja
1 tablespoon sugar
Juice of 1 large orange
Juice of 1 large lemon
1 large orange, sliced thin crosswise
1 large lemon, sliced thin crosswise
2 medium peaches, peeled, pitted and cut into chunks
1 cup (8 fl. oz) club soda
Combine all the ingredients except for the club soda in a large punch bowl or serving pitcher, mixing well. Refrigerate overnight. Immediately before serving, mix in the club soda for added fizz. Ladle into cups with ice cubes.