6 October, 2009

Problems communicating abroad? – Pass The Phone over here!

All you need is your mobile phone!
All you need is your mobile phone!

Every now and then we get to hear about a great new service (as opposed to a good one) and felt the need to share this particularly inspired one with you.

Run by a company called CallUma, their ‘Pass The Phone’ product is your ticket away from broken pigeon English. If you desperately need to communicate with a non English speaking local in any of the World’s leading languages (87% of them in fact), you simply call a number, tell them what you are trying to say, then pass your phone to the local and your message will be relayed perfectly. Great idea eh!

The service is manned 24 hours by professional interpreters, so if you’re haggling for a holiday bargain or even trying to find the nearest chemist you’re just a call away from help, no appointments needed!

Before your holiday or trip you simply buy minutes on the CallUma website. Obviously you may have to pay roaming charges from your mobile phone provider.

  • 10 mins £9.95
  • 20 mins £19.90
  • 50 mins £47.50

Find out more on the CallUma website.