24 May, 2012

Statement by Greek minister of culture and tourism, Tatiana Karapanagioti

In light of the Eurozone developments, recently appointed Greek minister of culture and tourism, Tatiana Karapanagioti, issued the statement following a briefing to Prime Minister Panayiotis Pikrammenos, head of the interim caretaker government.

Greece is here as it always has bee, and as it always will be, offering tourists a unique travel experience. Our land is as beautiful as ever, our cultural heritage as rich as ever.

Nothing has changed, least of all legendary Greek hospitality, which has embraced millions of visitors over the years, including a record 16.5 million in 2011.

I have held extensive discussions with leading tourism industry associations. Every one has expressed a strong commitment to ensuring that the Greek holiday experience is as rich and rewarding as it always has been.

Greece is as timeless as the warm welcome of the Greeks. That’s the way it has always been – and 2012 will be no exception.”

Now, more than ever, might seem like a good time to visit Greece. You can enjoy their famed hospitality and beautiful destinations and at the same time know that you are doing your bit to getting this great Country back on its feet.

For luxury villas with pools in Greece, you really need to see Vintage Travel’s portfolio.