31 July, 2012
The 10th Jardin des Arts

The 10th Jardin des Arts – An art event in Brittany with a difference!

If you are lucky enough to be in Brittany this summer then you may be interested in being informed about the 10th Jardin des Arts event.

The 10th Jardin des Arts

Running until 16 September 2012, this extraordinary art event features some inspirational structures and works of art that are based upon the theme ‘lien’, a slightly tongue-in-cheek abbreviation for ‘alien’! UFO-sculptures of all shapes, sizes and colours have landed in the heart of the Air Milin Park at Chateaubourg, in an alien-inspired event that is proving to be a real ‘eye opener’!

Some of the bizarre monuments on view at this unusual art fair include Edith Meusnier’s ‘Kyriellei’.

This bright, adventurous and certainly out of the ordinary monument cannot fail to stand passerby’s in their tracks and encourage them to muse over its enormity, wackiness and of course meaning.

Another equally as mind-boggling structure featuring in the 10th Jardin des Arts is Delphine Lecamp’s ‘Un Pied de Sept Lieues’. For anyone who can speak French, ‘pied’ is of course ‘foot’ and that is exactly what this unusual sculpture is – A giant steel foot, which has the added attraction of having brightly painted toenails!

Further boggling artistic marvels at this highly amusing art event in Brittany is Patrick Demazeau’s ‘Avec un Abre’. Again if you know any French, you’ll know that ‘Avec un Abre’, translates as ‘With a Tree’, and again a name that depicts what the sculpture actual is with refreshing simplicity!

Demazeau’s park bench could be like any other park bench, but with two differences – It’s bright yellow and has a tree rising up through it!

An arts festival definitely for the open-minded and just another reason why to visit Brittany this summer!